River Rafting on the Inn

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The Inn Is Probably The Best River To Raft In Switzerland And If You Have Any Interest In Rafting What So Ever, This Is The Place You Should Be Going. Rafting Is Not Without Danger And You Need To Know How To Swim And Be In Good Physical Condition. All Guides Are Certified And The Safety Training Given Before Rafting Covers All Possible Accidents. Now Go Have Fun!

According to oars.com, the Scuol and Giarsun gorge is the second-best rafting day trip in the World (read here what the others are). I do not really have anything to compare it to, but boy! We had a blast! Just check out the video for an impression on the types of rapids we encountered. I can wholeheartedly recommend this trip and the Engadin Adventures team

The Meeting point for the day trip is usually at 10:20 by the cable car station Motta Naluns in Scuol. Getting there isn’t always easy. I always prefer to go by train, because there is bound to be a beer after an adventure like this. Upon arrival, there is a short check-in where you have to sign waivers and the usual before getting a quick intro on the next steps. Leave everything at the base, jump into a wetsuit, put on a helmet and Life vest and let’s go. My recommendation, if you have your own wetsuit, bring it. Yours might be thicker and fit you better, but it is just a luxury 🙂

After a morning full of rafting, we returned to the base. Thankfully they even have a small Sauna installed that you can go into with your Wetsuit or bathing suit. The cold gorge water can get to you quickly and if there is no sun, you may cool out quickly. Thankfully, after a nice hot shower and the Sauna, we are ready for some lunch. Included in the price is a BBQ, where they will provide you with a freshly grilled piece of meat (or veg. alternative) and a variety of side dishes and salat as well as soft drinks. Nobody has to go hungry here.

During lunch, we were informed that we will not be able to do the afternoon run in the upper gorge as planned. Because it had snowed late into the spring in 2019, and due to thunderstorms the day before, the river was at its maximum flow for rafting. It would not be safe to run the upper gorge under these conditions. We would be doing the lower gorge again in the afternoon. But, the Guide did promise us to make it a bit more interesting though. And he delivered!

The second time through was much more exciting. It seemed we were hitting the rapids straight on and sometimes the boat seemed to disappear below us. Even though we new the rapids already, the different line we took through them really changed the experience. Even more, luck was bestowed on us with the sun starting to peek through the clouds. The atmosphere became almost serene. the smell and taste of glacier water surrounded by the green Forrest and the sun shining strong leaves you with a special kind of calm between the rapids.

One back at the base, make sure to grab a couple of beers and jump into the Sauna with them. Nothing like a Sauna beer after a long day of rafting 🙂


Things to bring

My recommendation is to wear your swim suit from the get go and to bring a change of underwear for afterwards. Also, bring a towel for after the hot shower and sauna. Otherwise you do not really need anything. You may bring your go pro at your own risk. if you have, you can bring your own wetsuit and booties for better fit. Also, you may want to bring a plastic bag to store your wet swim gear. if you wear glasses, you may want to bring contacts and some backup contacts. If you can’t wear contacts, bring a sports band for your glasses. You WILL get water in your face.

You need to be 14 or older to participate in the day tour.

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